Our Services

Image Refinement

The old adage is true: clothes make the man. Our image is the first thing people see. Working with body type, personal coloring, lifestyle and budget, we’ll work to build the right fit, style, pairing, coloring and foundational pieces for your wardrobe. You’ll have timeless pieces that you can pair with one another and minimize future leg work. The image process is intended to be an amazing transformation and experience. Our clients must be willing to put in the time and effort initially to achieve maximum results. Hair, skin, and personal grooming all compliment the wardrobe and build confidence in your personal brand confidence.

Whether you’re preparing for a new profession, a special event or occasion or just looking to change things up. The image refinement package will give you the tools to rebrand yourself.

Wellness Refinement

Feeling renewed and energized comes from within. We weren’t intended to be mediocre. By exploring ways to manifest your best self, we’ll determine a health program that suits you and eventually becomes something you enjoy rather than something you feel like you have to do. Whether it’s bodybuilding, yoga, or simply jogging in the confines of your home gym. The intent is to instill excitement and energy around feeling great again. Working on our physical, mental and emotional aspects of our life can help improve our overall well-being.

Our consultants will assist in creating a regimen that you enjoy and a healthy meal program that is easily achievable which in turn, will elicit the mindset to accommodate your busy life while holding you accountable. Setting realistic goals and keeping it enjoyable and manageable is the outcome. What we nourish our body with will make us feel great from the inside out.

Romantic Refinement

Has the spark died in your relationship? Are you getting back out into the dating world again? We all have blindspots and areas that we can improve on independently and within our relationships. Being honest and transparent in areas that you think may be lacking will make the transition to self-improvement and relationship success a seamless and transformative process.

We’ll hold mock date nights with tools around making that special someone feel loved, appreciated and recognized. Establishing menu, wine or drink pairing, ambiance. Our city guide experts will provide restaurant or date night recommendations that are perfect for you and your partner, and our booking team can assist with reservations, babysitters, travel plans or other arrangements. Our consultants can take care of the majority of the logistics for you.

Services and Packages

Our services are available as a monthly subscription or a convenient one-time (pay as you go) service.  We’re confident that once you try us, you’ll want to keep us around.

The Refined Subscription

A Refined Gentlemen subscription allows us to build a more personal relationship to master your refinement and to make sure your consultant is always ready when you need them.

With a monthly subscription, you get 10 hours with your consultant to use as you see fit. There’s no commitment, and we offer easy billing via PayPal or credit card.

  • Dedicated Consultant – With a subscription, you’ll be matched to a dedicated Refinement Specialist; your specialist will work with you to understand, track, and achieve your goals.
  • Book your appointments online – When you sign up, you’ll get access to our members portal, which allows you to easily book appointments, contact your consultant, and manage your user profile.
  • Expertise at your fingertips – As a member, you’ll have access to your consultant within 48 hours of requesting an appointment. An expedited consult will put you in touch with your consultant via phone or video chat within 2 hours, guaranteed. Request an expedited consult to help plan and book a last-minute getaway, get a second opinion on a new outfit, and so much more!

Refinement On Demand

Our pay-as-you-go service, Refinement On Demand connects you to a Refinement Specialist when you need it: fashion advice for a big event, travel planning for a last-minute getaway, date nights or date preparation, or anything else that Refined Gentleman offers!

  • Starter packages and hourly rates available – Our packages include initial consultation time and a discounted rate with a Refinement Specialist to build your profile and personalize your goals. Hourly rates let you refine as much (or as little) as you need.
  • Available for subscriptions – Already have a Refined Subscription but need some extra time on a big goal? Our members can use Refinement On Demand with the same 48-hour appointment response time.